Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24, 2014 Swertres Guide

Swertres Guide
January 24, 2014

Pasakay - one, two or all be drawn on swertres (may lalabas na isa, dalawa or lahat sa lahat ng draw sa swertres)
Bonus - one, two or all be drawn on swertres (may lalabas na isa, dalawa or lahat sa lahat ng draw sa swertres)
Probables - combine pasakay and bonus (kombinasyon ng pasakay at bonus)
Llamado - cold numbers
Special Numbers - nice numbers for to day (Magandang Numero)
Hearing - maintain numbers

Tip In Our Guide;
Pasakay & Bonus - for swertres only. Just combine this two, sometimes the result pick on the both guide. (pagsamahin nyo nalang ang pasakay at bonus kasi minsan kukuha ng isa dalawa sa pasakay at bonus.)


092 250 210 510 259 219 519 252 212 512 255 515
211 511 092 022 922 095 091 090 020 099 929
Special Number
972  600 472 780 722 424 932
639 943 945 946

For 3 Days 

Syndicate Numbers (Sindikato) for 11am only
066 046 600

 Please dont ask me for sure numbers because I don't know it.

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The website cannot guarantee that you will win with our Swertres Hearing and Guide. To be able to minimize your losses in betting suertres numbers, just bet only numbers with at least one in the Daily Suertres Guide/Hearing.

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